Premium Kennel Supplies
for your Canine Friends

Pet Kennel Supplies

Dog Kennels

If you are looking for a new home for your pups, check out our dog kennels. These kennels can be finished with all the custom dog kennel supplies that we offer. Our kennels aren’t your average dog kennels. They’re built durably with deluxe features that make them a safe and comfortable home for your furry friends!

Kennel Parts

Whether you’re looking for a new dog door or a larger feeder for your dog, this is where you’ll find all the dog kennel parts and supplies you need to fully outfit your dog’s home. We offer a range of quality products that will take your pups’ home to the next level. Find what you need to finish your dog’s kennel with durable products!

dog care kennel supplies

Dog Care

Are you looking for some top-quality products to keep your dogs happy and healthy? Find everything from collars and leashes to vitamins and vaccinations at Backyard Pet Supplies! We also have products that make keeping both your pet and his home clean and tidy. Whatever you choose, you can trust the quality of our products!

Kennel Supplies for dogs

Puppy Care

If you are welcoming new pups into the world, you need to make sure you have your dog’s home ready for the pups! Find what you need to design a deluxe whelping area that keeps both mom and pups warm and cozy with our whelping products! We also have weaning supplies for when your pups start to grow up and become more independant!

Why Choose Backyard Pet Supplies?

Backyard Pet Supplies offers a wide range of products for dogs at all stages of life. You can find top-quality dog kennel supplies that will help you finish our your dog’s home in the best way possible. We don’t just provide supplies for kennels, but we also have products for your dogs’ health and happiness.

Quality Products

Our products are designed to last you and your dogs for years to come. We stock our online store with brands we trust and products that have proved to be reliable.

Something for Everyone

The kennel supplies we offer range from health supplements for your dog to the supplies it takes to finish out a kennel. Whatever you’re looking for, we’re sure to have it!

Reliable Shipping

Because a lot of our products are custom-made, the processing time may take up to four weeks. We offer shipping that makes sure your package arrives in great condition!

What Do Our Customers Say?

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